Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace 

Find out why interpersonal skills matter in the workplace,

and how you could improve yours to further your career progression. Learn more with WOW.

What are interpersonal skills? 

Interpersonal skills are like the salt and pepper of our social lives - they add flavour and enhance the experience! From school to work and everything in between, we rely on these skills to build and maintain relationships. So, how do we cultivate and improve them?

Think of interpersonal skills as the ultimate Swiss Army knife - versatile, multi-functional, and always useful. These skills allow us to communicate effectively, collaborate with others, and adapt to new situations. They include things like creativity, clear communication, teamwork, adaptability, empathy, and leadership and we rely on them in every situation in life.

Take a Marketing Manager, for example. They lead a brainstorming session and make sure everyone's ideas are heard, from the Interns to the seasoned pros. This requires strong interpersonal skills, like leadership, motivation, and empathy. But these skills aren't just for Marketing Managers - they're crucial for success in any career, place of education, and throughout your personal life. Whether you're negotiating a salary, mediating a conflict, or networking with new people, your interpersonal skills are key to making things happen.

So, what are some common interpersonal skills to work on? Communication, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and teamwork are just a few. And don't worry if you're naturally introverted - self-awareness and a willingness to learn are the first steps to improving your interpersonal skills.

In short, think of interpersonal skills as the secret sauce to success in life. With a little bit of practice and some extra seasoning, you'll be building stronger relationships in no time.

Why are interpersonal skills important in the workplace? 

There's no denying it - interpersonal skills are crucial in the workplace. The way you speak to people, interact with Managers and deal with customers all counts. From communication and leadership to teamwork and conflict management, there are several important aspects to consider. So, why are interpersonal skills important in the workplace? Let’s take a look:

Boosting Productivity

Effective communication is the foundation of any successful business and without it, employees can’t be successful, either. That's where interpersonal skills come in. By building connections with your colleagues, you can share knowledge, expertise, and ideas to promote a more fluid work environment. Let's not forget the importance of mutual respect and appreciation for each other's viewpoints. This kind of communication leads to better task management and more efficient work delivery.

Keeping Clear Communication Going

Clear and positive feedback is essential for anyone to function successfully in their job. It's a continuous cycle of communication between the task-giver and task-completer, ensuring that everyone stays on track. Unfortunately, breakdowns can occur, often because of ineffective communication or due to poor supervisory practices. It's important to maintain this loop and provide real-time feedback to promote productivity, efficiency, and morale.

Building Opportunities for Career Growth

Connecting with your superiors and colleagues can provide you with more competitive opportunities at work and beyond. When you have a positive relationship with your Manager, they might be more likely to give you good references or even promote you to a higher position with more responsibilities and benefits. 

Building Social Awareness

Interpersonal skills demonstrate that you care about the well-being of your employees and clients, earning their loyalty and trust. Being socially aware and emotionally intelligent can help you navigate challenging situations and make informed decisions. This emphasises the vital importance of interpersonal skills in the workplace.

Building and Maintaining Strong Connections

Establishing intimate relationships with your colleagues is essential but maintaining them can be even more challenging. Continuity, follow-up, and empathy are key to sustaining these relationships, which contribute significantly to the importance of interpersonal skills in the workplace.

Encouraging Interpersonal Interactions

Effective leadership is all about interpersonal interactions, building trust, and communicating effectively. A disconnected leader will eventually lose, whereas a supportive team leader will retain productive team members. Developing your leadership skills and interpersonal skills will benefit everyone involved, leading to more efficient work delivery, higher morale, and greater success.

These are just a few of the reasons that interpersonal skills are a must at work, but what are interpersonal skills? Let’s take a look at some key examples below:

Examples of Interpersonal Skills 

 Being equipped with the right interpersonal skills is basically like having a magic wand that can unlock opportunities in any industry. With these skills, you can create a positive environment that will make everyone want to be around you (who doesn't want that, right?).

Think of it like building a toolbox filled with different skills – and trust us, you're going to want to fill it up with as many interpersonal skills as possible! These skills can help you communicate effectively, handle conflicts with ease, and even make new friends – because networking isn't just for LinkedIn you know!

These interpersonal skills some examples are just a few that you can add to your toolbox:

  1. Leadership. Being a leader is more than just telling people that to do! You've got to have the gift of the gab and the ability to inspire others. Think of yourself as a coach, cheering on your team or your co-workers to score the winning goal. You'll need to communicate your vision with crystal clear clarity, network like a pro, and build bridges with your colleagues. It's time to step up your game and become the leader everyone wants to follow!
  2. Teamwork. Another vital interpersonal skill that you’ll benefit from, it’s important to work on those teamwork skills. You're not just a lone ranger, but part of a team and that means you need to be a great listener and communicator, adapt to new situations, and put the team's goals above your own. Remember, there is no "I" in "team", but there is a "me". So, be the "me" that makes the "team" awesome.
  3. Empathy. Empathy the skill that is like a superpower: it allows you to connect with people on a deeper level. You can feel what they feel, see what they see, and understand their perspective. But you should be careful because with great empathy comes great responsibility. You don't want to burn out, so keep a balance between feeling for others and taking care of yourself. Show some compassion, be there for your team, and build relationships that last a lifetime.
  4. Active Listening. Don't just hear the words, feel the words! Active listening is all about paying attention, processing, and responding to the message being communicated. It's like a dance, you need to listen to the music and move with the rhythm. Look out for those nonverbal cues and keep your interruptions to a minimum. It's not just about hearing, it's about truly understanding the message being conveyed. So, put on your active listening hat, and get ready to waltz.
  5. Conflict Resolution. Conflict? Nobody really has time for that, but if it does arise, you need to be ready to handle it like a pro. It's all about finding common ground, compromising, and keeping your cool. You'll need to communicate clearly, listen empathically, and manage your emotions effectively. Remember, there's always a way to turn a negative situation into a positive one. 
  6. Decision-making. To decide or not to decide? That is the question! Making a choice can be tough, but you're up for the challenge. You need to weigh all the pros and cons, consider the impact on others, and listen to your gut. Sometimes, you'll need to decide quickly, so trust your instincts and go with your heart. You're the master of your own destiny, so take charge and make those tough decisions!
  7. Communication. Ah, communication. It's the key to success in any relationship whether personal or business. You need to know when to speak up and when to listen. You need to use the right tone, language, and style to get your message across. You also need to be aware of cultural differences, so you don't accidentally offend anyone. 

How to improve interpersonal skills 

Are you ready to level up your interpersonal skills and become a pro at communication? Here are some simple steps you can take to get there:

  • Step 1: Set your goals! Think about your strengths and areas for improvement. Do you need to work on following up after conversations or expressing your ideas clearly? Use the SMART goal framework to create specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based goals.
  • Step 2: Observe successful interactions. Keep an eye out for people who are crushing it in the communication department. Notice their tone, gestures, and word choice. You might even ask them how they do it and follow their lead accordingly.
  • Step 3: Practice, practice, practice. The skills are only going to build if you use them. it’s okay to get it wrong sometimes, but you’ll find that having a mentor or attending a training session can help you to hone your skills. You can even role-play scenarios to get a feel for how to handle different situations. Just don't forget to ask for feedback.
  • Step 4: Reflect and act. Take a step back every now and then to reflect on your progress. Think about what's working and what needs improvement. There will always be room for you to do better with your interpersonal skills, so adjust your strategies and goals accordingly.
  • Step 5: Stay focused. When you're interacting with others in the workplace, try to stay present and avoid distractions like smartphones. This will help you stay engaged in the task at hand.
  • Step 6: Keep a positive outlook. A positive attitude can go a long way in boosting your interpersonal skills. Focus on the good and keep pushing forward and you’ll see your hard work pay off.
  • Step 7: Self-regulate. Being mindful of your own emotions is a key component of effective interpersonal skills. By staying calm and centred, you can help diffuse tense situations and keep conversations productive. 

Are you looking to build your interpersonal skills? Or are you confused about how to put them forward on your resume? The best thing you can do is to contact our team of talented WOWzers. We’ve the got the skills you’re trying to demonstrate, so let us guide you along the way.

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